How to Make a YouTube Explainer Video with AI

August 7, 2024 (3 months ago)

Blogpost image: How to Make a YouTube Explainer Video with AI

Want your YouTube channel to really pop? YouTube explainer videos with AI are the way to go! They make tough ideas super easy to understand. Imagine turning something complicated into a quick, fun video. That's a YouTube explainer video!

You need a cool story, awesome visuals, and a clear "what to do next". These can help you make a great explainer video. Moreover, the type of explainer video also plays a big role. Pick one that is best from the list.

Ready to make your own explainer video? Let's get into it!

A computer screen displaying AI software creating a YouTube explainer video with graphics, text, and voiceover

A computer screen displaying AI software creating a YouTube explainer video with graphics, text, and voiceover

Key Takeaways

  • YouTube explainer videos effectively simplify complex ideas.
  • Good explainer videos have engaging scripts and visuals.
  • Tools like CopyCopter can streamline your video creation process.

What Is a YouTube Explainer Video

Have you ever stumbled upon a YouTube video that breaks down a confusing idea in a clear and catchy way? Well, those are explainer videos!

Think of them as short, friendly lessons on YouTube, usually lasting around 1-3 minutes. They use visuals, voiceovers, and even text to make sure you grasp the topic without feeling overwhelmed.

Here's why explainer videos are so popular:

  • Learning Made Easy: They take complex things and explain them in a way that's simple to understand, just like a friend helping you out.
  • Promoting Something Awesome: Sometimes, explainer videos are like mini commercials showcasing a cool product or service.
  • Keeping You Hooked: They're designed to grab your attention and keep you watching. You may even want to share them with others!

Effective Explainer Videos

Ever heard the phrase, "short and sweet"? That's the golden rule for explainer videos. But packing a punch in a short amount of time takes some thought. Let's break down what makes a video truly awesome.

Crystal Clear and Captivating

Imagine you're explaining something to a friend. That's the concept. Ditch the fancy words. Focus on getting your point across in plain English. No one wants to feel confused! Keep it simple, one idea at a time.

Pictures Tell a Thousand Words

Videos are all about visuals, not just words. Think cool graphics and animations to keep people glued to the screen. A good story helps too, making your message relatable and easy to remember. A tight script with key points highlighted keeps everything focused.

Speaking Their Language

The best explainer videos feel like a conversation. Who are you talking to? Tailor your language, tone, and visuals to them. Sprinkle in real-life examples they can connect with. People will pay attention when they can relate to the content.

Call to Action (CTA)

Think of a CTA as your video's "next step." What do you want viewers to do after watching? Subscribe to your channel? Visit your website? Try your product? Be clear and direct with your ask. Put your CTA at the beginning and end of the video for double the impact. You can even use visuals like bold text or animations to make it stand out more. A strong CTA ensures your video achieves its goal, turning viewers into engaged fans.

YouTube Explainer Video Styles

A variety of YouTube explainer video types, including AI creation, are displayed with titles and thumbnails

Think explainer videos on YouTube? You've got options! Each style has its own strengths, so let's explore which one might be perfect for you.

Live Action

Imagine real people explaining your stuff! This builds a connection with viewers, but you'll need actors, a script, and maybe some filming gear. Great for showing products in action and building trust.

2D Animation

Colorful characters and flat graphics bring your message to life! It's cost-effective, engaging, and can explain complex things simply. Perfect for storytelling, humor, or making serious info a little lighter.

3D Animation

This is where things get super realistic! Think detailed graphics and cool simulations. It's pricier than 2D, but amazing for showcasing complex products like tech gadgets. Prepare to wow your audience!

Whiteboard Explainer

Watch drawings come to life on a white background! This is visually fun and makes complex ideas easy to understand. Great for educational content and tutorials – keeps viewers engaged while learning something new.

Text on the Move (Typography)

This uses fancy moving text and graphics to get your point across. It highlights key ideas with cool fonts and animations. Budget-friendly and perfect for things like statistics, quotes, or anything that needs to be remembered.

Screencast (DIY Style)

Ever recorded your computer screen? That's a screencast! Perfect for tutorials and software demos – viewers see exactly what to do. Great for direct engagement and sharing instructions without breaking the bank.

Motion Graphics

This combines animation, video, and sound for a visually stunning experience. Use it to tell stories, explain data, or create unique visuals for your brand. Think mixing characters, text, and other cool elements to make your message clear.

Stock Footage

Need something professional but fast? Stock footage lets you use pre-recorded clips. It's cost-effective and quick to put together, though it might lack some personalization. Still, you can combine it with voiceovers or graphics for richer content.

Cut-out Style

Imagine characters and objects cut from paper coming to life! Fun and engaging, this playful style is great for younger audiences. It lets you create a unique brand personality and explain things simply in a fun way.

Stop Motion Magic

Ever seen those claymation videos? That's stop motion! It's time-consuming but creates a cool, artistic look. Use everyday objects or crafted figures to tell your story. Perfect for grabbing attention and making your content stand out.

Mobile App Showcase

Have to show off your app? This video is for you! Explain features, benefits, and the user experience. Keep it clear and concise – you don't want to overwhelm viewers. A great way to get people excited about your app!

How to Create a YouTube Explainer Video Using CopyCopter

Copycopter makes creating explainer videos easy. You can create a high-quality video in just minutes. Here's how:

1. Go to CopyCopter AI and sign in. Sign up if you don’t have an account. Click the “Start Now” Tab in the upper right corner.

2. You can either enter your email address and have CopyCopter send you a code. You can also choose “Continue with Google”

3. Once your account is set up, you are redirected to the “Create your first video” page. You can choose to create a video from:

  • ChatGPT (gpt-4o) - It will create a script for you based on your prompt.
  • Article text - Copy and paste the article you want to create a script from
  • Article URL - Paste the URL of the website content you want to create a script from
  • Example - Choose from the drop down menu. Options include planets, books, motivation, etc. You can also choose the language you prefer. Make your selection and create a script based on that example.
  • Your script - If you already have a script, just paste it in

4. After your script is generated, you can edit it. Remove or add anything you want to the script.

5. Choose the voice you want to narrate your script. You can listen to a snippet of the voice. There’s also premium voices that you can unlock by subscribing to a paid plan.All the voices support 29 languages.

6. The next step is to choose your style. You can upgrade to a paid plan to unlock more styles. Once you’ve chosen your style, click on create video.

7. Edit your video by changing text,voice, overlay, project type and choosing music. When you’re finished, click “Export + Share”

8. This brings up the “Export and Share Page. You need to Export the video first before downloading or sharing to your social media platforms. Click the “ExportVideo” button. Wait until the video finishes preparing.

9. Download or share the video directly to your Youtube account.

Creating Killer Faceless YouTube Explainer Videos

Making awesome explainer videos for YouTube isn't magic, it's a mix of planning and pizazz! Here are some key tips to turn your video creation into a slam dunk:

Who's the VIP? (Very Important Viewer)

Figure out who you're making the video for. Imagine them, their age, interests, the whole shebang. This way, you can tailor the content to their needs. Think fast-paced editing and trendy graphics for tech-savvy teens, while a corporate audience might prefer a calmer vibe and clear visuals. Surveys or audience analytics can help you narrow it down. Remember, the right audience equals a bigger impact!

Short and Sweet is the Way to Go

Let's be honest, attention spans are shorter than ever online. Aim for 2-3 minutes max for your explainer video. Nobody wants to get stuck in a snoozefest! Chop out any fluff and focus on your main message. If your topic needs more explaining, consider a video series – bite-sized pieces are easier to digest. Clear communication is key, so keep your audience engaged!

Simplicity is Key

Jargon? Complex concepts? Ditch them! Your goal is to make information clear for everyone, no matter their background. Plain language and easy-to-understand visuals are best. Animations can be a lifesaver. Simple graphics and text can get your point across without overwhelming viewers. It's all about striking a balance between information and visual clarity to create a captivating video.

Soft Sell, Big Results

Explainer videos are about education, not a sales pitch. Focus on teaching viewers about your topic, not pushing a product or service. Build trust and interest by presenting information honestly and letting viewers make their own decisions. Informed and respected viewers are more likely to consider what you offer later.

Benefits Over Features

Talk about how your product or service improves lives. Don't just focus on its features. Avoid saying "Our app has a user-friendly interface." Instead, explain how it saves time and makes things easier. This approach connects with viewers on a practical level. Show real-world scenarios so they can see the benefits in action. Frame your message around benefits to encourage engagement.


A sprinkle of humor can make your explainer video more enjoyable. Just don't let it steal the show. Light-hearted jokes or funny graphics can keep your audience hooked. However, the main message is still the star.

The Magic of a Great Voiceover

A professional voiceover adds polish and makes your video sound legit. Invest in good audio – bad sound can kill the good vibes. A clear and engaging voice will keep viewers glued to their screens. Choose a voice that matches your brand's tone – friendly for educational content, serious for corporate settings. These details matter!


Use storytelling to connect with your audience emotionally. Start with a relatable problem. Introduce a solution (your amazing product or service!), and show how it makes a difference. This narrative structure makes your content more memorable. Throw in real-life examples or testimonials. they showcase the impact.

Make it Inclusive

Make your video accessible to everyone. This includes people who are hard of hearing or visually impaired. Make sure everyone can enjoy your video. Add captions for people who can't hear. well. Use clear audio descriptions for people who can't see. This makes your video more inclusive and accessible to a wider audience.

Frequently Asked Questions

A computer with AI software creating a YouTube explainer video, with a storyboard and script visible on the screen

This section addresses common inquiries related to creating YouTube explainer videos. You will find specific insights into essential elements, the role of AI, types of videos, and practical tips for effective video creation.

What are the essential elements of a compelling YouTube explainer video?

A compelling YouTube explainer video should start with a clear and engaging hook. It needs to define the problem and present your solution succinctly.

Can artificial intelligence be used to create engaging YouTube videos?

Yes, artificial intelligence can enhance the process of creating engaging YouTube videos. AI tools can help generate scripts, narrate and create the video.

Popular types of explainer videos include animated videos, live-action videos, screencasts, and whiteboard animations. Each type serves different purposes and appeals to various audiences, depending on the content being presented.

How can AI tools like CopyCopter improve the creation of YouTube explainer videos?

AI tools like CopyCopter can improve video creation by generating tailored scripts and storyboards. They can even create the videos for you.

What are the steps to creating a YouTube explainer video using AI software?

To create a YouTube explainer video using AI software, start by defining your topic and audience. Next, use AI video creation tools to create a script, choose your narrator and create your video.

What tips should be followed to ensure an AI-generated YouTube explainer video is effective?

To ensure effectiveness, keep your content concise and focused. Use high-quality visuals and maintain a clear narrative. Make sure to review and edit the AI-generated output to align it with your brand voice and message before publishing.

Conclusion: Make a YouTube Explainer Video with AI

Creating YouTube explainer videos with AI transforms complex ideas into engaging, easy-to-understand content. You can craft videos that educate and entertain.

Platforms like allow you to streamline this process. It can make sure your videos are professional and impactful. Embrace the power of AI to make the process easier and more efficient.

Start using CopyCopter today to craft your own AI-driven videos and elevate your YouTube content.

Focus Keyword: youtube explainer video

Meta Description: Make a YouTube explainer video with CopyCopter AI! Learn how to simplify complex topics and captivate your audience effortlessly.

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CopyCopter is a generative AI text to video tool that repurposes long texts into shorts in one click.
Social Jool LLC, AI Boost LLC
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